Thursday, November 12, 2020

Three miracles and a tent

This weeks Torah portion is call Chayei Sara- the life of Sara our matriarch. During her life there were three special miracles that occured that passed on to her daughter inlaw, Rivka. 

1) Her Shabbos candles stayed lit all week.
Through puppet shows we learned how candles usually melt but hers lasted and went out right before the next Shabbos.
Our friends had fun playing Shabbos all week ;)

 Fire and candles themed art. Chana using a fork to make a flame. Menachem using his finger and tinfoil to create his fire.

Playing in Avraham and Sara's tent.

2) Sara's Challah stayed fresh all week.
Chana's baby wanted to smell the fresh challah by circle time.

Menachem making Challah in the tent and creating a challah arts and crafts using different brown materials.

3) There was a cloud constantly on top of their tent to remind them Hashem's presence was there.
Yakov, creating a cloud in a bag. Shua playing with play dough to create a cloud.

We overheard our puppets coming to life and role playing all that they learned.

The Pre-k class has a hatchery!
It was so amazing to come in and visit and watch the process. 
Ben connecting to the little chicks.

What a special moment, being able to hold them they were so cuddly and soft!

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