Thursday, March 4, 2021

"I Care!"

Two Leaders

The Pesach story came to life by the children helping us create an Egypt/Mitzrayim center in our classroom. It was time to learn about two very different leaders:

King Paroh - he did not like the fact that the Jewish people were getting larger in number. He was an un-caring King and made the Jewish people work hard as slaves. 

Moshe- He was a caring, kind person ; Hashem saw that he had the qualities  to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt!

Our Big idea for our foundation lesson on the Holiday of Pesach, is that we all can be like Moshe and care for one another. Moshe became our role model and leader in our classroom this week.

Menachem, working hard building listening to the two different voices. When Moshe was being so nice it felt so encouraging and we saw the difference in Menachem's performance. 

Building with different size boxes helps us learn about spatial awareness and balance. Menachem, figured out if the bigger boxes were on the bottom it will be more sturdy!

We left Moshe and Paroh at our center for our friends to let their imagination go wild with what it might have been like.

Menachem showing his balancing skills using blocks.

Yakov, brought Moshe to the davening circle to kiss the Torah.

Sensory and building. 

Yakov, creating a Mitzrayim scene using sand and popsicle stickls.

We took the big idea of Moshe caring throughout the whole day. When friends are in each others spaces its a great time to have these conversations about being aware of our friends needs.

We learned that the Jewish slaves built buildings in Mitzrayim. We also heard about what you might find in Mitzrayim which is pyramids. 
Shua, making a pyramid out of cups.

Making a pyramid picture in the salt.

Leah, using magnet tiles to create a pyramid.

We learned it was quite hot in Mitzrayim. Shua, using different mediums to paint a big sun. Menachem, helps stuff the sun!

Happy 3rd birthday to Ben and Yakov!


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