Thursday, March 3, 2022

Purim is in the air

Purim unit

This week we delved into the Purim Story. We set the stage by talking about Mordechai and Esther and how they lived in Persia. 
There was also a big beautiful palace where King Achashverosh lived. Our friends creating castle scenes. 

Writing numbers till 14 when the Holiday of Purim will come out in the calendar, the 14th of Adar.

    Creating kinetic sand castles.

some friends extended it to the block area.

After talking about Esther and Mordechai's way of living a Torah lifestyle, the children could see that it was clearly not a comfortable idea for Esther to become the new Queen. (After Vashti was no longer the Queen.)
So many girls got dressed up hoping it was them!

Mordechai reassured Esther if she were to be chosen, that Hashem is with her.
Esther who played Queen Esther hid shabbos candles in her dress so the King wouldn't know she was Jewish. 
After finding out she was chosen, Esther requested seven servants so she would know when Shabbos would arrive.

Our friends practicing how to blend and write big words.

Playing a Bingo game adding the choilem to the letters.

Batya decided she wanted to be the Morah during free play and did a kria lesson.

This week, with construction happening behind our class it has been such a fun learning experience. Looking up the names of the trucks and tools they were using.

Enjoying some water on a hot summer day!


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