Friday, November 22, 2024

A parsha of miracles


This weeks Torah portion is Chaya Sara. We learned about the first Jewish couple Yitzchak and Rivka. Yitzchak, was Avraham and Sara's child and as soon as he married this special women Rivka the three miracles that happend to sara came back!

1) Their Shabbos candles lasted ALL week!

Fun sensory flames for our Shabbos candle art.

Concentrating on their work.

2) Sara and Rivka's Challah stayed fresh all week. 
During a puppet show, Yocheved Sara showed us what can happen when Challah stays out during the week. We made pretend 'mold' on the Challah. "Eww" our friends knew right away that would not be good to eat.

Challah craft practicing how much glue we need.

Challah sensory and math play. Can you count the dots and place the pretend raisins inside?

Yitzchak and Rivka traveled by camel who needs a lot of water. Tal, using his fine motor skills filling feeding the camels.

3) There was a cloud over their tent representing Hashem's presence was always there.
Making fluffy clouds.

Taking opportunities to practice taking turns and patience as each child was called up and got to pick something special from the Morah.

We learn our best when we are in our frontal lobes. Breathing throughout the day helps us. Zalman, showing us challah breathing.

Yosef and Tal, making their exhale as long as possible.

Celebrating the first Jewish couple by getting ready for a Jewish mock wedding.
First, we made Jewelry that Rivka got in the Parsha and what we can wear as well.

 Fun in the sun together

Since we have been talking about Shabbos candles and Chanuka around the corner where our friends will see a lot of flames, we took this opportunity to practice our fire safety. 

Our class had a fire drill and a special visit from the fire department. 

Thanksgiving art during aftercare.

A Jewish Wedding!

In this week parsha - Chayei Sara, there is the story of the Yitzchak and Rivka's wedding!  Eliezer, Avraham's servant was sent  on a mission to find the right wife for Yitzchak his son. He sent him to Charan with 10 camels, jewelry and a letter that said that everything that Avraham owned belonged to his son Yitzchak, hoping that it will convince the girls parents to send her with Eliezer all the way back to Israel.

We had our own Eliezer and Avraham acting out the scene.  

Hashem made a special miracle for Eliezer. Normally this trip from Israel to Charan would take many days, but Eliezer had kefitzat haderech - a miracle when someone travels a long distance in a very short time, and he made it to Charan before the day ended. Today we travel with cars, so we design our own car!

When Eliezer arrived to the well he davened to Hashem to help him find the right girl. Yitzchak needed a girl who does Chesed (kindness) so he said whoever helps me and my camels will be the right fit." Hashem answered his tefilah and made Rivka come out to the well.
When Eliezer saw her he notice that a miracle happened and the water rose up toward her! She must be a tzadekes if Hashem made this miracle for her!
 Rivka gave water to Eliezer and his camels, and that was a challenging task because camels drink a lot of water!
Nechama and Yossi are showing us how Rivka gave water to all 10 camels!

In honor of this weeks parsha, when Rivka and Yitzchak got married, we learned what is a Jewish wedding, and had our own mock wedding at Gan!

Davening before the chuppah.


The chattan walking to greet the  Kallah.

Covering the kallah's face.

The kallah going around the Chattan seven times.

Mazal Tov!

Dancing time!

Family photos!

When Yitzchak brought Rivka to Sara's tent the 3 miracles that Sara had before she passed away, came back. The cloud of glory was above the tent at all time, the challah never went bad and there was always planty for everyone, and the shabbat candles stayed lit the whole week!
After learning about Sara's candles we talked about fire safety at gan and had a fire drill.

And the firefighters came to teach us fire safety rules.

Thank you Rabbi Lang for the Chof Cheshvan farbrenging!


Pre-K Kria

Learning and practicing the letter Zain.

K Kria

Working on blending Kamatz, Patach and Tzeire togother!


We learnt about gravity this week in English Academics. Here are Leah & Nechama completing their gravity experiment worksheets. 


In aftercare the children are learning to work together, build strong relationships and explore their strengths. These crafts help teach gratitude, spark joy and make memories together. 
We always remember to see the good in each other 💕

Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, November 15, 2024

Welcome in!

This week we learned about the special Mitzvah of הכנסת אורחים (having guests) from Avraham avinu (Our forfather). Avraham was 99 years old when Hashem told him to get a Bris (circumcision). It's a mitzvah that all Jewish boys do that shows the special bond with Hashem.

After the bris, he needed time to rest an heal. Hashem knew that Avraham loved having guests so He made the sun shine so bright that no one walked outside. Still, Avraham waited outside his tent, in case someone would walk by!

Nechama and Chana, making Avraham's tent.

 This week, just like Avraham, we had special guests!
First, we made an invitation to the Torah Tots class.
"Please join us for some cookies on Wednesday!"

Leah and Avraham, writing "I love you!".

Next, we gave the Torah Tots class an invitation 💖

We baked some delicious cookies, set the table and waited for our guests to arrive.

When they arrived. we welcome them in with so much joy!
Leah, handing out the cookies - our guests got first!
Oh! Don't forget to say a brocha!

"Bye! Please come again!" the kids said while walking our guests out! "1,2,3 steps"!

Avraham while waiting saw three people coming they were actually angels, and they gave him and his wife Sara a brocha for a baby.
When Sara heard the brocha she laughed because she and Avraham were so old like our babbies and zadies, our grandfathers and grandmothers.
"Haha us having a baby? I am so old and Avraham is even older! Haha"
Is there anything that Hashem can't do? - no!
They did have a baby, and they named him Yitzchak (laughter in Hebrew).
Mordy, putting the parasha in the right order.

The morahs, created a new corner in the class room. The safe space corner.
Having big feeling could be hard, but these exercises are here to help!

Yossi, pushing the window and stomping the ground to let out his anger in a safe way.

Breathing and yoga.

How are you feeling?

Dancing for Moshiach!

Fun car wash game.

Playing together at the sandbox.

Happy Birthday Mendy!

Pre-K Kria

Continuing our letter vov work.

K Kria

Creating Tzeire with air dried clay!
Tzeire Yud sounds like YAY!


We have been learning to tell on the hour time. At Circle Time we played a clock reading game to reinforce the concepts.

Yossi working hard on his fine motor and number recognition. 

Donuts for Dad!