Thursday, December 20, 2012

Teaching children the correct pencil grip. VIDEO!

Research shows, preschool is the most opportune time for children to master the correct way to hold a pen or pencil. It is called the "tripod grasp."  This will help them in their later years of school, to not get "tired fingers!" 


A child’s natural response is to hold a pencil with his entire fist, pinky finger closest to the paper and index finger and thumb on top. A correct pencil grip involves holding the pencil between the thumb and pointer finger, and resting the pencil on the middle finger for added stability.

At Gan, we taught the children a fun song- to help them remember the correct way to hold a pencil!

Enjoy the video!

 The words are:

I bend my thumb 

pointer points to the tip

Tall man uses his  side

I bend my last two fingers in

And take them for a ride!

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