Friday, October 20, 2017

Parshat Noach: Sink and Float

Parshat Noach: Sink and Float

                                                  This was the first week of our "Pasrsha" (weekly Torah Portion) curriculum. We established that there are 5 books of the Torah- which make up all of the "Parshiyot" (Torah portions) that are read each week in the Synagogue on Shabbat.


All the people in his generation were very wicked. They made not good choices, all the time, which made Hashem very upset.

Hashem instructed Noach to build a " Teivah" (Very large boat)  and bring his family into it. 
Noach was also instructed to bring seven pairs of each kosher animal and one pair of each non-kosher animal.
When people asked Noach why he was building the Teiva, he told them that Hashem was going to send a big flood to clean away all the bad things in the world. If they want to be saved, they need to start being kind, and doing the right thing. Noone listened to Noach, and once he was finished building the Teiva , it began to rain. The rain turned into a "Mabul" (flood).
Water came pouring down from the heavens and shooting up from the ground. Nobody was able to escape. Only Noach and his teivah were safe and  they floated above the Mabul.

The Rainbow- a promise from Hashem  

After the flood, Noach was afraid to have any more kids, because he didn't want Hashem to destroy them if they did bad things. So Hashem made a promise to Noach that he would never send a flood to destroy the world again. As a symbol of this promise Hashem made the rainbow. Every time we see a rainbow, Hashem is reminding us that even though he may be upset, he will never destroy the world again.

Rainbow Art

Working hard on crafting rainbows. Using small beads and scraps of paper strengthens their fine-motor skills.

Elizabeth proudly displays her hard work
Levi Yitzchak and Muka use water colors to portray what they thought the flood looked like.

Science: Sink or Float

Each child got a chance to hypothesize whether each item would sink or float. Then we added up the tally marks and got to work.

       The magnatile floated at first, 
but then sank to the bottom  when it was filled with water. 
Menucha explained that it got heavier when water got inside, that's why it sank.

                                                  Max predicted that foil would sink and float. He was right! First it floated on top, but when we pushed it to the bottom of the container it stayed there, none of our other                                                                                objects did that.

Learning with our Bodies

We talked about Rainbows and then practiced making the Yoga pose of  a rainbow with our bodies. It was a little hard, but we were able to do it!

At the end of the day, we shook out our arms and legs by counting to 100.
We also used our imagination and went on a bear hunt. Thank G-d we got home safe! :)

Math: The Buddy System

Did you know that some numbers have buddies? We are starting to learn how to count by twos. And about evens and odds.
* ask your child to show you which numbers are buddies, ask him if __ (insert number 1-10) has a buddy*

Alef Beis

 Yisroel working hard on his aleph bais cards. The children used a pencil to poke holes in the cardboard letters and improve their grip. We also employed this method for the alphabet.

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