Friday, January 10, 2020

Leaping Letters

Leaping Letters

Coming out of a long break
 Pre-K took this week to review our ABC's and Aleph Beis.
We had so much fun bonding after we didn't see everyone for so long!

Emma matches her magnetic zayin to the zayin card!

Aleph Beis search made us put our thinking caps on.
Names out of playdough!

Spencer wrote some Chanukah words and drew a picture of what her family did on Chanukah.
Moshe chose to work hard in the activity book.

Internalizing the letters :)
Getting to eat the letters made matching them so much fun!

Batya helps to sort the uppercase letters from the lowercase.
Later in the day, Tamar picked letters and colored them in on her paper.

These shape puzzles really made us think!
Mina had to decide which shapes to use to make the cat.
Following the pattern to create the bracelets and necklaces.

Thank you to The Flooring Trader of Camarillo, for donating our new carpet!
The children love how comfortable and soft it is to play on.

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