Friday, May 20, 2022

Laughing and Loving on Lag Ba'omer

With Lag Ba'omer this week we learned more about Rabbi Akiva. When he was 40 years old, he bagan to learn the Aleph Bet! One of the lessons we learn from Rabbi Akiva is consistency. Just like when he saw the holes in the rock being created from soft water making a lot of drips, this has a big impact! So too, when we continue working on something consistently we succeed! 

We needed 4 friends to show us how old Rabbi Akiva was with their fingers!

Bonfire art!

The boys discovered an experiment how when you balance the rocks to match the holes to each other the water goes through it!

Fire number tracing

Free play in the mud!

creating our own bonfire!

We learned how to shoot a bow and arrow in honor of Lag Ba'omer

On Lag Ba'omer we are allowed to get haircuts, so we gave our silly pretend friends a haircut!

A special Lag Ba'omer activity in the foam!

 Thank you Rabbi Lang for a fun Lag Ba'omer rally 

We concluded our Lag Ba'omer day with a little kumzits (gathering to sing songs)
 around a pretend bonfire we created. Roasting Marshmallows was a hit! 

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