Friday, January 24, 2025

A colorful week!

This week in Torah Tots we learned about colors!
We started off just  placing all type of colored Duplo blocks and watched our friends categorize them.

Keeping the colorful papers on for snack time and showing our friends what color our snack is.

Working hard on our color project focusing on the primary colors. 

Taking the primary colors and watching them mix inside shaving cream bags.

Tal, noticing what happening when yellow and blue mix and Ayal watching the yellow and red mix.

Color science. 
Chaya Mushka filling up cups of water. Ariella helped us turn the water into primary colors. 

Next, we placed paper towel sheets that connected all the cups together.

After some time it was so neat to watch the colors 'travel' through the cups.

Color hunt. 
Using a color to pick from and finding an item in the class that matches that color!

Tal, using pom poms to learn his colors.

Happy working boys. 

Learning responsibility and cleaning up after ourselves.

Enjoying some air and sunlight together.

Good Shabbos! Eli, making Challah dough.

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