This week, we learned about Parshas Vayera. Moshe, one day saw a bush that was on fire, but the bush wasn't burning up! Suddenly, Hashem spoke to him from the bush and told him to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground. Hashem then told Moshe that He wanted him to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt and into freedom. Moshe wasn't sure that he could do it, but Hashem promised to be with him every step of the way!
Gan Camarillo Preschool provides children, from toddlers through Pre-k, with a warm and loving atmosphere as they enter the school setting for the first time. Guided by our understanding of how young children learn best, our program offers them the opportunity to develop the building blocks for future success – positive self-image, social skills, language communication, and independence.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Hashem is with me!
Moshe went back to Mitrayim and with Aharon his brother went to Pharaoh to tell him that Hashem wanted the Jewish people to be set free. To show Pharaoh that Hashem was powerful, Aharon threw down his staff, and it turned into a snake! Pharaoh's magicians also threw down their staffs, and they turned into snakes. But Moshe’s snake was special—it swallowed up all the other snakes! Pharaoh saw this miracle, but he still didn’t believe in Hashem.
Shai, working on his snake staff.
The Jewish people in Mitzrayim, had so much trust in Hashem that He would set them free! Trusting in Hashem means knowing that Hashem always takes care of us! Just like when a little child trusts their parents to keep them safe. This is called Bitachon. To understand this idea Morah Hadar asked the children to write or draw someone they trust.
Chana drew her mommy and tatty, Mendy wrote his friend names, and Yossi F drew his Morahs!
This Parasha brings down the first 7 makos out of 10! The first plague was Dam (blood). Hashem told Moshe and Aharon to go to Pharaoh and tell him that if he didn’t let the Jewish people go, the water in Egypt would turn into blood. Paroh did not listen. Hashem made the Nile River and all the water in Egypt turn into blood. The fish died, and the water became very smelly. The Jewish people’s water however, didn’t turn into blood!
When a Jew held a cup of water it stayed perfectly clear. But when an Egyptian took the water, it turned into blood right before their eyes! So, the Jewish people began to sell water to the Egyptians. By doing this, the Jewish people became rich from selling water while the Egyptians suffered.
Acting it out! "Do you take credit cards??" The Egyptian asked.
Oops, we made our own Nile River, what a fun mistake! 😆
Frogs here! Frogs there! Frogs everywhere!
Leah and Avraham, using dot markers to drew boils on the Egyptians!
Wild animals coloring.
Every day, we've been counting the days on our calendar using the pattern of the 10 makos. It is the longest pattern we've had so far and we learned to sing it in Hebrew.
One day, during our morning circle, Morah Rachel brought out the 10 makos masks, and the children worked together to put them in order!
This week on Teves 24 is The Alter Rebbe’s yahrzeit. He wrote a book called the Tanya, which helps us understand Hashem. The Alter Rebbe, taught us a new deeper way to connect with Hashem.. Through his teachings, we learn how to bring more light and kindness into the world.
We used secret writing to help us understand what it means to reveal something on a deeper level. Just like secret writing looks hidden at first, but when we figure it out, it reveals a special message, the Alter Rebbe's teachings in the Tanya show us hidden parts of the Torah that we can now understand more deeply. It's like Hashem is giving us a secret key to unlock even more wonderful things in the Torah!
Fun time with friends!
Learning and practicing the letter כּ, כ and ך.
This week, we learned about the difference between sh'va na and sh'va nach. Sh'va na always comes at the beginning of a word, while sh'va nach appears in the middle of a word and is silent. We practiced recognizing and separating the two.
A reading tic tac toe tournament!
Learning about non standard measurement by playing an insect game.
More fun measuring! Shai is seen here sorting paper strips by length.
Snowing in our class!
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