Friday, August 28, 2020

Back To School

Back to School

It was so nice to come with our parents for orientation!
We got to explore our new classroom.

Morning centers with our friends!
We learned how to use the different centers in our classroom.

Batya and Chana Rochel play with the twin dolls.
Meir and Morah Rachel work so nicely together.

Showing our friends how to wash our hands for twenty seconds.

Catching up with our friends at snack.

Learning Aleph- Beis and Torah should be sweet!
We got to paint letters with maple syrup and taste it!

Going on a nature scavenger hunt and checking off the items we found.
Yanky found a flower and Shmuel found a spiderweb.

Riding on our new outside gym scooters.

Checking out our new garden.


Getting to know Gan!

First day skills
Finding our pictures by the cubbies. Routines are so important and this week we focused on our routines and getting to know our classroom centers.

We found some friends visiting our family wall. This was a great way to learn each others families.

The first week can be a big adjustment! Away from our families who we have been spending a lot of time with over the summer break.
Having our families in the sensory table was a nice surprise and some of our friends spent a long time here!

Menachem, showing our Rivka puppet who was nervous about the first day and was a little  lost. He wanted to show her where the bathroom was. It was validating to talk about Rivka's feelings since we all feel that in the beginning of school and that's okay.

Menucha learning about her chart and where to put her sticker.

Friends working together building and starting the beautiful process of learning how to communicate and respect each others space.

Circle time fun
The smiles while holding the Torahs was heartwarming. 

Practicing good habits by learning how to wash our hands properly.

Art experiment 
We invited the children to paint with water colors and than scrunch saran wrap on top. It made interesting lines when drying. 
Shua making blue lines like his shirt.

Getting to know our bearded dragon. Our friends had a fun time trying to figure out what sounds a bearded dragon makes. We didn't answer this question or comment and will let the children observe and see if he does.

Enjoying the outdoors!