Friday, March 29, 2024

We have a choice!

This week we started off by learning a brand new morning Bracha to add to our davening!
Thank you Hashem for creating land over water for us to live on.

We did an experiment using the different elements Hashem created. We discovered the heaviest is earth and its a miracle it is over the water!

Pesach unit!
We started learning about the Pesach story this week.
During the ruling of King Paroh in Mitzrayim the Jewish people were forced to be slaves and work.
Our friends, were invited to create a building scene of what they imagined the Jewish people had built.

The Jewish people had NO CHOICE. We talked a lot about the choices we have and how thankful we are to make choices during our days.
Leah and Chaya Leah, drew what choice they like to make . They both like to choose what to wear in the morning.

Our friends REALLY felt it during lunch time one day, when they came in their lunchboxes were gone and were told by King Paroh that they could not eat lunch now. There were definitely confused faces but quickly realized this is what the Jewish people probably felt like. Kfir, quite relieved once his lunchbox came back!

We stared working on our Hagaddahs! Yedidya, creating a Kadesh scene the first cup of grape juice at the Seder.

While creating our Seder steps, we also made it a hands on experience.
Jack and Mendy, making Karpas when we dip a potato or an onion into salt water.

Learning how to peel and cut.

Kfir making his Karpas page for his Hagaddah using glue and salt.

                                                                             Prk Kria
Learning the letter Final nun. Practicing how to make it in shaving cream!

English Academics 
We used rhythming sticks during circle time.

Reading and writing three letter cvc words.

Cozy reading time together!

Hard workers in Torah Tots!

This week we started off by reflecting on Purim. Before we jumped into the next unit each child came up and either told us or drew what their favorite part of Purim was. This was a great way to reflect and process it now being over.
Ido, told us about his abba and Yosef, made himself dressed up.

We started the Pesach unit by creating desert experiences by center time and our block area turned into Mitzrayim (Egypt). 

During snack time we talked about how hard working and strong everyone is. Mordy, came up and showed us he can even pick up a heavy box. While he did it we cheered him on! We compared that to when Avraham came up and did the same thing and worked really hard but this time we introduced King Paroh- he was not encouraging at all!

Role playing what the Jewish people felt like working for Paroh in Mitzrayim.

The Jewish people felt sad a lot. They wanted to do Mitzvahs and be with their family but they had to listen to king Paroh.
What do tears taste like? Ayal, helped us by adding salt to water and when we tasted it, it reminded us of salty tears. During the seder we will taste this by Karpas when we dip a potato or onion in the salt water.

Moshe, the Jewish leader during that time was quite a contrast in personality. While Zalman worked hard on his building, Eli role played Moshe who offered him water after working so hard and told him not to worry Hashem will help us!

We learned this week about the concept of choice. Ariella showed her friends what it's like to have a choice and which toy she wants to play with. We are so lucky we can choose but the Jewish people had no choice.

Documenting what they would like to choose to do.

Our centers were filled with a lot of building opportunities. Axel and Ayal building with shaving cream!

Nechama, using sand to hold up her blocks.

Making delicious Challah!

Good Shabbos!


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Megillahs, Hamentashen and more!

This week we got to peek inside a real Megillah! After learning about the Purim story we wanted to prepare our  friends what will happen ON Purim.
It was so special for our friend Mordy to see his name Mordechai inside the Megillah.

We learned when we hear Haman's name we make a lot of noise. Before making our own graggers we experimented with different size containers and objects that make noise.

Hard at work on our Megillahs. Decorating the back round all looking so unique.

Axel and Nechama, working on their sewing skills on a Hamentashen!

We also got to make real delicious Hamentashen for our Shaluch Manos! Yossi, quite proud of his work.

Ayal and Ido made a castle together.

There has been lots of dressing up going on at Gan these past couple weeks!

Have a Happy Purim!!

Purim is finally coming!

This week we finished our Purim unit adding so many details from the Megillah story that our friends now know!
Using our Purim character puppets during davening ! When the boys and girls stood up for their special song Mordechai and Esther joined them too! We also did all types of Purim breathing to help us stay in our frontal lobes.

Making a horse for Mordechai to sit on!

We learned the special Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos giving at least one person a gift of food containing two Brachas. Getting to decorate the boxes we will give. Practicing our writing by putting a Happy Purim sign on it.

So fun to see everyone's creations!

Prk Kria
We learned the letters Pey and Fey. Practicing writing it on the white board.

Making Peys and Feys!

Kindergarten Kria
Writing and reading the two different Choloms.

English Academics 
In Social Studies we made maps of the classroom

Math, skip counting on a snowman.

We want to wish a Happy 5th  Birthday to Nechama!

We also want to wish a Happy Birthday to Morah Gillian!