Friday, September 28, 2012

Busy Builders & A Hug from Hashem!

This week we had some busy builders & architects at Gan...

Which Holiday is coming?

 Working on their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination as they hammer nails...










A Great Big Hug from Hashem!

On The Holiday of Sukkot, we remember the miracle Hashem did for the Jewish people as they travelled in the desert.

In our attempt to give the children a better understanding of how the Sukkah came about... we did a puppet show in our circle time, role-playing the Jewish people who were traveling in the desert. We spoke about the fact that in the desert we need extra protection, and Hasham protected the Jewish people in their travels by surrounding them with clouds. The clouds protected them from animals, bad weather and any other things that might frighten a person traveling.

Solomon suggested we jump up and get some clouds! So we all copied!

On Sukkot we remember how Hashem protected the Jewish people with clouds by building a Sukkah, and eating in it for 7 days! Since we couldnt reach the clouds, we decided to build our own!

 Little Architects figuring out which way the blocks should be placed.

 Are my walls positioned well to  hold up the "Schach (branches for the roof)

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