Creation of the world
This week we explored all the things Hashem created on Days number 3 & 4.
On Day 3 - Flowers, grass, & trees!
Sensory Opportunities:
We put out tree branches with playdough as an invitation for the children to create their own trees with the dough!Using grass seeds and potting soil, we made our very own grass heads! We are looking forward to witnessing the wonders of Hashem, when the little sprouts of grass will come forth! We already spotted a few blades coming through after just 2 days!
Flower inspired Art
We posted colorful images of flowers on each child's tray as an invitation to paint an image representing the flower! Activities like this help the children appreciate the significance of art, and its power to represent objects and other significant things.
Nature walk!
What better place to go to learn about the flowers, trees and all growing things, than to be outdoors and up-close with all of it!
We gave hugs to the massive trees...
...collected twigs, grass, and leaves...
Each child had the chance to fill a bag with items that Hashem created on day #3!
Here are some of the things our children said upon returning and sharing our findings:
"I love being outside"
"I love all the colorful flowers"
"I found all the red flowers"
What else did Hashem create on day #3?
Delicious Fruits and vegetables!
We had fun making fruit flowers with all sorts of fruits and veggies!
Day #4- Sun, Moon, Stars and the solar system!
Moon Lights
To help the children understand why the moon is a different shape at different times of the month, we explained to them that the moon is a big ball, but it only shines in some shapes, because its a reflection of the sun's light! Using a flashlight, in a darkened room - we showed the children how that might work!
Moon Painting
The children enjoyed painting the different stages of the moon! Each tray had a different moon shape, spanning the full circle down to the slither of a banana shape!
We put out separate swats of black and white paint, along with some shaving cream and glue to give it some texture!
Dovi told Morah, "but I want grey", so Morah asked "How do you think we can get grey? What color paint do we have?" Dovi realized he can mix black and white to create grey!
The Solar System
During circle time we passed around flashcards with images of the many different parts of the Solar System! From the sun and moon to the many different planets! The children were able to see the many things Hashem created on day #4!Adding stars onto our days of creation plate mobile!
Splash Splash - Swimming!
Enjoying our new blowup Octopus!
We love our friends!
Next week we will discover Days number 5 & 6!
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