Thursday, May 30, 2019

Small mountain BIG lesson!

Shavous Unit

This week we began preparing for the upcoming holiday of Shavous.
Hashem chose a mountain to present us our gift of the Torah.
Hashem chose a small mountain to teach us we should be proud to be a Jew and at the same time be humble.
We acted out the different mountains boasting and were not chosen to be the mountain for the Torah.

Har Sinai being proud of how Hashem made him.

What a big lesson from a small mountain.

Taking turns wearing Har Sinai and telling our friends what they are proud of while saying it without bragging.

Arik, "My Yarmulka." Batya, "I am proud that I shared my balloon with my friends."

 Hashem made beautiful flowers grow on Har Sinai in preparation for the giving of the Torah.
Adelle and Mendel decorating their play dough mountains.

 Moshe using his own creativity.

Working hard on our Har Sinai projects.

 We are so thankful for our precious Torah.

 Mountain explorations. 

We placed mountain pictures to inspire our friends to learn about  the different kinds of mountains Hashem created. Eli creating a rocky mountain. Esther worked hard on a beautiful flower mountain.

Chana rochel cutting her own grass for her mountain.
Playing house with friends.

Celebrating Shmuel at his Erienfernisht. Yarmulka cookies as treats.

Batya making sure her doll says the Shema too.
Learning how to clean up after ourselves.

Har Sinai in our sandbox!

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