Thursday, February 27, 2020

Pajamas and Purim

Pajamas and Purim

This weeks parsha tells about the Mishkan- the house for Hashem the Jewish people were commanded to build in the desert.
We figured out which hebrew letters spell Mishkan and we wrote it down.
The special things that were used in the Mishkan were also used in the Beit Hamikdash!

The Shulchan was the special shelve that held the 12 loaves of bread in the Mishkan. 
This bread stayed fresh all week!
Menachem trying to form the Menorah out of one piece of "gold"

 Morah Avigayil drew a map of what the Mishkan looked like.

Pajama Party

We finished our POm-POm Jar and its the monthof Adar. 
We need to be extra happy in Adar so we had a pajama party!

Blowing up balloons for our balloon stomping game.
Yum! The best part of waking up in your pajamas is eating breakfast, Right Bela Riva?

Playing a math/reading boardgame.

 Purim is coming so soon!
Mina acts out the purim story in the Shushan Palace.
Purim popsicle stick puzzles are a challenge!

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