Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Mitzvah's with our HANDS!

What a great first week at Camp Gan Camarillo!
Our theme this year is "Mitzvah's I can do"
Each week we will be focusing on a different body part that they can do Mitzvah's with.
This week is "Mitzvah's I can do with my hands!"
We worked hard on our hand book. Each day creating another page on what Mitzvah we can do with our hands.

During davening circle we made sure to not only sing our Mezuzah song but to kiss it with our hand!

Hugging our Torahs!

Giving Tzedakah is another Mitvah we can do with our hands. We played toss the ball coin in the big Tzedakah box.

Using our Gross motor skills we played a Tzedakah hopscotch.

Taking care of animals is also a Mitzvah. We had so much fun at a Petting Zoo that came to visit us this week. Our friends being so gentle and soft. 

 Feeding animals before ourselves is a big Mitzvah. 

Our neighbor pottery artist shared some clay scraps with us and we got to design some fun miniatures and even get to paint it.

Our older friends get time in our Prk classroom to daven and practice their Alef Beis.

Dancing time!

Water play time!


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