Friday, July 26, 2024

Mitzvos with our FFET!

Wow time flies when we're having fun! What a fun last week of camp we had jumping and running as we learnt about mitzvahs with our feet. During circle time one morning, our puppet friend taught us about "Zrezus"- running to do a mitzvah at our first opportunity! For example, cleaning up right away after centers time! 

Yossi, running to give tzedakah!

Chana, came so fast to give the puppet her lost toy!

During davening, we've been working on using mitzvah feet to stay in our spots unless its our turn for a job, here is Axel being our Alef Beis helper!

Tal putting his footprint into salt dough to make a footprint keepsake.

After patiently waiting for it to dry we than painted them!

Jumping on the moon bounce was a fun foot activity,
 and we definitely did the mitzvah of being happy!!

Yehudis tried something very different by drawing with her toes, that took some focus and coordination! 

Eli, had fun making animal footprints in kinetic sand. 

Axel, enjoying colorful ice painting!

Mordy, helping us smash some grapes from our garden with his FEET to make grape juice for Shabbos!

Ariella tasting her hard work, yum!

Chef Yosef making delicious pizza for lunch one morning. 

Thank you Morah Malka for doing some music and movement with us!

We worked so hard on our beautiful mitzvah books, now we get to take them home and share them!!

Wishing you a great rest of your summer
Torah Tots keep up all these beautiful mitzvahs!

Our feet doing Mitzvahs!

Our very last week of camp was filled with fun and Mitzvahs!
This week we focused on our FEET!
Our friends having been practicing using their feet to help someone else or to be fast TO DO a Mitzvah!
Mendy and Yedidya, made a beautiful picture of Eretz Yisroel and we learned that every step in the holy land IS  mitzvah!

One morning, we used our feet to make our very own grape juice. The grapes we used was from our very own garden! It was so delicious!

Working together as friends playing twister was quite challenging to not fall down.

Nechama, following a foot direction game.

We made silly sock puppets this week and can't wait to make shows with them.

Chaya Leah, designed her own pair of socks.

This week our friends became chefs and made their very own pizza for lunch. 

Our dramatic play area that morning became a pizza store!

We have been practicing our Kria and a fun chutes and ladders game was a great way to read our Hebrew words.

Chana, giving a great time to her friends! It made her happy that she was making others happy!

 We love each and everyone of you, and will miss you!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Mitzvos with our HEAD!

This week we got to explore mitzvas with our head! 

Our puppet friend came to circle time and explained to us that really our brain controls all the mitzvas we do with every part of our body! Especially learning and thinking about torah, we spoke about how the Jewish people weren't always able to learn torah publicly and how lucky we are now to get to learn every day at Gan!

Mordy, decorating a crown to wear his favorite mitzvahs on his head!

Ariella got really good and drawing with her head it took a lot of body cordination!

Creating yummy healthy fruit faces. 

Something special boys wear on their heads is Yarlmukas (kippah) Yosef decorating his very own.

Chana,made a headband with pretty flowers to put on her head.

Yehudis, practicing her cutting skills giving fun faces hair cuts. 

Popcorn themed playdough was a fun sensory experience. Yossi, working on rolling it out to see what happens.

What a fun PJ day! Cozying up on our brand new rocking chair.

We enjoyed some popcorn and a mitzvah video after nap time.

Sensory fun with water orbees. Those smiles speak for themselves. 

Creating self portraits . Tal, concentrating while looking in the mirror at himself.

Water play is always a highlight of our day!!

Axel and Yosef had so much fun scrubbing the table and bench, thank you for keeping our school so nice and clean!!

Gymnastic day!

Think good and it will be good!

This week we focused on our HEAD!
There are so many Mitzvahs we can do with our head. One big idea we learned about is how powerful our thoughts are. When we think good it will BE good!
Our friends were invited to draw good things in our brain picture. 
Mendy, was thinking about being happy during davening and it actually made him smile the whole time!

Nechama, making it practical by drawing different scenarios which can start off not good but thinking good can change the outcome. 

Our bulletin board has been a fun interactive way to pick a mitzvah that goes along with our body part we are learning about. Shai and Chaya Leah, picking what they want to do with their brain.

Making our own hats for our head to remind us all the Mitzvahs we can do!

This week we had  A LOT of fun doing brain games. Memory and hand eye coordination is such a good skill to help our brain grow.

Playing an intense game of Jenga!

A jumping arrow game that Morah put out one morning turned into something completely different when Shai and Mimi creatively decided to build with the arrow and blocks. We love seeing their own ideas and what they were thinking of!

The boys decorated their own Yarlmukas and the girls made fun headbands for our heads!

                                                 Practicing our cutting skills giving fun hair cuts!

Nechama, enjoying the best sensory experience - water beads! What a hit it was watching them grow in the water, feeling them and even dividing the colors!

Making delicious fruit faces was a fun treat and each came out so different and unique. 

This week we also celebrated the 12th of Tammuz which is the birthday of the 6th Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak. It is also the day he was saved from exile from trying to spread more Judiasm. Sitting here at Gan and learning Torah together, good definitely prevailed!