Friday, July 26, 2024

Our feet doing Mitzvahs!

Our very last week of camp was filled with fun and Mitzvahs!
This week we focused on our FEET!
Our friends having been practicing using their feet to help someone else or to be fast TO DO a Mitzvah!
Mendy and Yedidya, made a beautiful picture of Eretz Yisroel and we learned that every step in the holy land IS  mitzvah!

One morning, we used our feet to make our very own grape juice. The grapes we used was from our very own garden! It was so delicious!

Working together as friends playing twister was quite challenging to not fall down.

Nechama, following a foot direction game.

We made silly sock puppets this week and can't wait to make shows with them.

Chaya Leah, designed her own pair of socks.

This week our friends became chefs and made their very own pizza for lunch. 

Our dramatic play area that morning became a pizza store!

We have been practicing our Kria and a fun chutes and ladders game was a great way to read our Hebrew words.

Chana, giving a great time to her friends! It made her happy that she was making others happy!

 We love each and everyone of you, and will miss you!

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