Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Mitzvos with our HANDS!

This week our class explored mitzvos we can do with our hands! 

Our mitzvah note hand is filling up quick!!

Mordy having fun trying to get our pretend tzedaka into the BIG tzedaka box, that was a fun mitzvah with our HANDS!

Avraham decorating a beautiful tzedaka box to take home

Eli helped Yosef give tzedaka at circle time

Coin rubbing. 

Having fun with some frozen hands in our sensory bin

Yossi and Yehudis painting pages for their mitzvah books .

Fun in the sun!!

Maya enjoying the playdough at centers

Axel loving the soft bunnies that came to visit!

Yocheved using her mitzvah hands to be our Alef Beis helper at circle time

Chana and Ariella helping to make delicious cupcakes.

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