Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Crying like a baby

Rosh Hashana is in the air!

To help the children understand the concept of how much Hashem loves us, 
we made the connection for the children to consider the love their parents have for them. 

How do our parents care for us? 
Role playing "parents" was a hands on way to discuss how much they care.

We brought in babies, since babies are constantly showing us how much they need a parents care.
Shua, making sure his baby got water and Chana, cleaning her baby after feeding her.

Mashing up food to make sure it was soft enough for our babies. 

To drive this message home each parent sent in a love voice note. The smiles and excitement when they heard how much they are loved was priceless.

Yakov, showing us how much he loves hugs.

What happens when we are sad and crying? Who can help us?

Shua, showing us a sad face. Chana playing play dough next different faces showing different kinds of emotions.

Who else loves us and cares for us tremendously ? Hashem!
The Shofar sounds like crying. Just like when a baby cries we run to pick them up and see whats wrong, Hashem listens to our cries! We listened carefully to both sounds.

We made our very own shofars.

Song: (Tune: Hu Elokeinu)
My mommy and my tatty 
give me kisses and hugs
when I wake up and go to sleep 
they always show me love.
Just like when I cry (make a boo hoo sound)
they come to pick me up.
The shofar sounds like crying (make shofar sound)
and Hashem will show His love.

We want to wish a BIG mazel tov to Menachem Freeman on his Upshernish.
He was so excited to show pictures of what happened.


Good Shabbos!

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