Friday, October 27, 2023

I am like the Stars and the Sand!

It has been so beautiful watching our friends fill up our helpful board! When we put our focus and attention to all the act of kindness as simple as noticing what a friend is lacking or picking up a piece of garbage this creates such a ripple affect of more and more good! 
This is how our world becomes lighter by each doing our part.

Shai, working really hared cleaning the table and Mendy, shared his toy with his friends and helped teach them how to have patience and wait their turn!

This week's Parsha is Lech Lecha which means to go.
Avraham, the first Jew got tested by Hashem who told him to leave his birth place Charan and go to Eretz Yisroel. 
Finding the journey on the globe and map.

What was the test like? 
Shai, demonstrated by being blind folded and listening to the instructions where to go. 
It was a bit disorienting and needed a lot of trust.
Avraham had a lot of trust and love for Hashem and past this test!

The test continued for Avrham since there was no food when he arrived in Eretz Yisroel and had to head to Mitzrayim. 
Chaya Leah and Mendy acted out Sara having to hide in a box so the King wouldn't've take her and when that failed a big miracle happened and Avraham got Sara back. 
It was not an easy life but Avraham and Sara knew that Hashem was with them and that He will protect them. This is a lesson for our life that we talk about each davening circle!

Hashem blessed Avraham with a beautiful Bracha that the Jewish nation will be as numerous as the sand on the ground and the stars in the sky.

Shai, using sand to practice writing hebrew letters.

Yossi, creating a beautiful desert scene with Avraham and Sara standing on the sand.

Yakov and Kfir, working together to make a star out of small beads.

Working hard at the play dough table making as many stars as they could.

We learned the hebrew word for star, Kochav and practiced writing it.

Our Lech Lecha davening following the different footsteps as we daven to Hashem.

Kindergarten Kria is learning how to read three letter words with the vowel of Kamatz and learning which letters are silent at the end.

Prk learning the letter Hey.

Outside time review.

During academics we measured items and practiced our handwriting skills.

We want to wish a big Mazel Tov to Mendy on his 5th Birthday!


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