Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Rosh Hashana, Hashem's love is like a parents love


This week we began learning about Rosh Hashana. One of the big ideas from this holiday is knowing how much Hashem loves us, and how He responds to our cries/requests. To help the children understand this, we began with a discussion of how much Mommy's and Daddys love their children! 

Thank you for sending in the beautiful love notes, videos and beautiful scrapbook pages that you made at the back to school night. 


Your children's smiles when they listened & watched manifested the abundance of love they are so lucky to feel from each of you!


To continue building on their understanding of how a parents love translates into the care for their child, we set up a baby play station with bottles, blankets, and everything we need to care for a baby!

During circle time we listened to an audio of a baby crying, and role played how we can hug, breathe, and help a crying baby feel safe.

 We also had fun using bottles as a medium to paint! 


We spoke about how much they have grown since they were babies. 

We looked at baby pictures and discussed what we were able to do when we were that size, and then looked at how much we can do now that we are another year or two older! Yocheved showed us how she can throw her trash in the garbage. Tal can hang up his lunchbox without help!



Bee themed art, in preparation for all the Honey discovery next week!


Shana Tova card making...


Friday Shabbat Fun


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