Friday, September 27, 2024

Shofar sounds

We started our week with Pheobe the Beekeeper coming for a wonderful presentation on how Bees make honey! Did you know in a bees whole lifetime it only makes 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey! 

The children were invited to touch and see honeycomb, real bees in a glass, and see all the different steps of how a bee makes honey!

We also focused this week on the different sounds of the Shofar!
There are 3 sounds the shofar makes:
Tekia (one long sound)
Shevarim (3 shorter sounds)
Terua (9 mini sounds)

The children enjoyed all sorts of games, and activities to help them learn these musical notes!

Using visuals on the floor, the children walked, skipped and jumped to the sounds of the Shofar!


At one of our centers we used different size blocks and corks to trace the different sounds.

   Ayal pretended that the cork was the king in the field walking around his palace and excitedly exclaimed "look Morah Keren, Hamelech Besadeh" 


We used playdough to mold shofar shapes, and looked at pictures to help the children understand where the shofar comes from!

We enjoyed creating our very own toy Shofar that the children will bring home for Rosh Hashana!

We listened to an audio of a baby crying, it sounded very similar to the sound of the Shofar! We learned that when we sound the Shofar, Hashem hears it and responds to us with love, just like our parents respond to us with love, when we cry out to them! The children role-played taking care of babies! We know how much Hashem loves us, just like our parents love!

Decorating the clay honey jars that the children made last week!

On Rosh Hashana we eat ROUND Challah's! to symbolize the cycle of the new year, We played a game to differentiate between the round and the braided Challa's!

Using playdough and stones the children pretended to make Rosh Hashana Challas!

Our interactive Bulletin Board !

                        Good Shabbos! 

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