Thursday, September 7, 2023


"Have a SWEET New Year" is what our friends have been listening to as we sing Rosh Hashana songs and what we say after hearing the Shofar blow.
 Taking a step back and asking ourselves what DOES that mean to a two and three year old? 

How can we make this a practical lesson and a life skill?

Our friends first explored different types of sour and sweet foods. 
What is the difference and what are their preferences. 
(It was fun to see their faces after tasting a sour pickle!)

After our friends told us what sweet things they like we learned what is sweet for HASHEM:
When we do Mitzvahs, that is sweet for each other and Hashem. 

Our Bee puppet helped us document and catch all the sweet moments we found our friends doing. 
It was so sweet to see how excited they were to share what they did and encouraged so many Mitzvahs to be noticed in our classroom!

Our davening circle is filled with sweet Mitzvahs.

A fun interactive bee hive taught us how honey is made as well as helping our friends practice their fine motor skills by using tweezers to get the pom pom nectar out!

Nechama, creating her very own bee at our playdough table!

Working on their sweet project documenting sweet foods as well as their sweet Mitzvahs!

To make the connection even greater, the children stuck their Mitzvah notes into a Honey Jar art project, so they realize that honey at Rosh Hashana isn't just about a sweet taste in our mouth, its about doing SWEET (mitzvah's). 

 Hard at work sanding and painting our Shofars.

Love the creations during free play!

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