Thursday, February 6, 2025

A baby comes to visit and I am like a Tree!

Tu B'shvat unit
"Ki adam etz hasadeh" A man is like a tree!
If a tiny tree seed gets the proper care it can grow into a beautiful tree.
We started off by understanding how we start as babies.
Chaya Mushka, showed us pictures of her as a baby and the millstones that happened as she grew. 

Baby Sholom, helped us by showing our friends how he does tummy time. Ariella tried it too!

Eli and Levi, helping take care of Sholom by feeding him and burping him.

Yosef showing us a little seed. It's unbelievable how something so tiny can get so big! 

Learning how we are like a tree!
After understanding how we grow just like a tree grows with proper care, Ayal showed us how our body parts can look like a tree.
His favorite part was the roots taped onto his toes!
Zalman, proudly showed us how his 'fruits' are his Mitzvahs that he does. "I wear Tzsis", "I clean my toys and say a Bracha on my fruit leather."

Practicing cutting big banana leaves!

Our sensory table turned into a seed planting station.

Using nature objects and creating our own tree.

What happens when you add playdough and branches :)

Creating a tree scene and using yarn and glue to make the roots.

Fun in the sand. So many creative ideas happen here in the sandbox. 

Tal, started on his Tu B'shvat project. Painting his sky under the real sky!

Making delicious Challah together.

Shabbos party! The highlight of the week!


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