Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Tu B'shvat let's go shopping!

Tu B'shvat!
This week we learned that on Tu B'shvat we eat from the 7 special fruits of Israel.

It was fun and interesting to learn our friends tastes.

Our classroom turned into a Tu B'shvat supermarket.

Learning about prices and budgets.

Getting ready for our Tu B'shvat party this week our friends got  busy making a vegetable soup.

Proud of our hard work.

Shai getting ready by making his hat for the big day.

Prk Kria
We learned about final mem and made it out of lego.

Kindergarten Kria we finished up our Shva practice. Shai made a quiet and a loud Shiva sound.

English Academics
We celebrated the 100th day of school. Making a 100 out of carrots cheerios and crackers.

We built a tower out of 100 cups!

100 items show and tell!


We’re so excited to share the fun during our 100 Days of School celebration! We made bead necklaces using exactly 100 beads! The students had an amazing time choosing their favorite colors and carefully stringing their beads onto the necklace.

We want to wish a big Mazel tov on Leah's 6th Birthday!

Drawing and writing special messages to the birthday girl.

Tu B'shvat party with our grandparents.
Creating a mural of a tree scene each of our canvases will create a big masterpiece . 

Going on a shivas haminim hunt. 

Thank you Rabbi Lang for coming and doing an inspiring rally on this special day.

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