Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Keeping Kosher

This week we learned some of the Mitzvahs found in Parshas Mishpatim. 
Keeping Kosher , we created our own diagram what is meat, milk and pareve. 

Shai and Eli learning that a kosher animal has to chew their cud seven times by creating a interactive cow project. 

kindergarten Kria
We learned a NEW vowel this week! Cholom- which makes the 'oy' sound. 
By throwing a ball OVER our friends just like the Cholom looks like a ball going over. 
Making the sound while trying to catch the ball.

Proudly singing the new Cholom song and enjoying some cholom treats. 

Prk kria
learning the letter Nun. Can we make our own?

English academics 
We have been learning about the Presidency and the White House

 Playing a Presidential themed matching game.

Since it was raining on Tu Bshvat (which we were so happy the trees were getting to drink) we waited patiently for the sun to come out  so we can plant!

Playing football together!

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