This week was packed with learning all about Tu B'shvat!
Shai, helped us by circle time discover the names and parts of a tree.
Leah, using celery to show her friends how roots work by watching the blue water travel up the celery root we learned how trees get to drink too!
Taking it deeper by learning important life lessons from each part of the tree.
Roots- as Jewish people what keeps us strong and not fall down from any 'wind' is our belief in Hashem.
Mendy, shared with us when he gets into a fight with his sibling it can feel like Hashem is not with him but he knows he is strong and can fix it.
Trunk- Bein a Jew what makes us strong and proud is the Torah!
Nechama, created a beautiful mini Torah and Eli drew on the trunk something he remembers in the parsha which was when the Jewish people found jewelry during the plague of darkness.
Fruits - Our 'fruits' are our Mitzvahs. Mordy, drew he loves giving Tzedakah and Yossi created fruit mitzvahs on his tree craft.
In our sensory table one morning our friends practicing reading by matching up the vegetable to the correct plant.
Working on our Tu Bshvat project.
It took skill and hand eye coordination to get the colored string on the branch just how they envisioned it.
Creating a beautiful nature picture.
Talking about fruit and trees it made us want to make delicious freshly squeezed orange juice!
Prk Kria
Learning the letter Mem. Avraham, figured out how to make it out of playdough
Kindergarten Kria
We have been practicing 'Sheva Nach'. It's quite tricky since it makes a quieter sound . We practiced by cutting our word in half and it helped us read it correctly.
Tu B'shvat themed Kria by reading the word that has the nikuda on the planter.
Working on completing a story sequence . reinforcing critical thinking and narrative order skills.
At circle time we played a picture bingo game that helped with our reading comprehension.
Graphing seeds!
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